How To Earn From Home

Traffic. Inefficient MRT system. Work schedule. Annoying officemates. Most of the things that burden us are beyond our control. We either accept them or we do something to avoid them. When the company I worked for transferred from Ortigas to Makati in 2008, it only took me a month to decide to quit my job. Travel time to and from the office was 5 hours. I don't really need to work because my husband is financially capable of supporting me. But I was raised not to depend on another person. After two months of being idle, I started looking for work. Online.

My first job was an Online Researcher for a tennis website. I was paid $350 fixed monthly. I need to work 40 hours a week flexi-time. If I work 10 hours per day, I only need to work for 4 days. Great, right?  On other days, I do freelance writing. The pay back then was $3 for a 150 words article. 

If you are contemplating on quitting your corporate job, here are some legit home-based work to choose from.

Online English Teacher

One of the most popular career nowadays is online teaching. It's up to you how many hours you want to work and what time you want to start working.

Freelance Online Job

From data entry to virtual assistant position, there are numerous online job postings for you that can fit your qualification.


My Snapped and Scribbled blog started in 2013. I must admit it took me two years before I started earning. Google adsense is one source of income from bloggers. Most of my earnings from blogging come from writing paid articles. If you want to be a blogger, you must be passionate about writing. 

Social Media Manager

If you are into Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and any other social media platforms, working as a Social Media Manager is perfect for you. Be an advocate of the brand or company in social media and get paid for doing what you love. Earn by being the voice of the brand. Create curated contents on instagram. Update the facebook page and interact with the brand's followers. Pay ranges from P25,000 to P40,000 a month.

Online Surveys

If you love answering surveys, there are online sites that pay you for participating on their surveys. Make sure you are joining legit sites. You are not supposed to pay anything in order to register. You should be the one to get compensated. There are only two survey sites where I participate.

Online Seller

People are into online shopping and if you have a knack in selling, you should consider setting up an online store. 

Working from home requires discipline and of course, hard work. There is no such thing as easy money. Don't be lured by online marketing that promises doubling your investment without doing anything. 
