Ken Lerona Takes the Lead: Home Credit Philippines PR Head Elected to PANA and PANAF Board

Ken Lerona

Home Credit Philippines, a leading financing company, proudly announces the election of its Head of Public Relations, Ken Lerona, as a Board Member in the Philippine Association of National Advertisers (PANA) and a Trustee in the PANA Foundation (PANAF) for the year 2024. Lerona's appointment reflects his outstanding contributions to public relations and advertising, underlining Home Credit's commitment to industry leadership and corporate social responsibility.

Lerona, armed with extensive experience, has been entrusted with significant roles in both PANA and PANAF. His wealth of knowledge and strategic insights position him as a valuable asset in shaping the strategic direction of these organizations. As a Board Member of PANA, Lerona is dedicated to fostering collaboration among industry professionals, promoting excellence in brand building, and navigating the challenges posed by digitalization and the AI revolution.

Simultaneously, as a Trustee in PANAF, Lerona plays a pivotal role in advocating for a socially aware community, placing the best interests of member brands and the communities they serve at the forefront. His commitment reflects a sincere desire to make a positive impact on Philippine public relations and advertising.

Expressing his dedication, Lerona states, "I am committed to contributing my skills and experience to further the missions of both organizations and to uphold the standards of excellence in the Philippine marketing and brand building industry." Lerona, who previously served as director of PANA and on the board of the Public Relations Society of the Philippines, brings a wealth of experience and leadership to these roles.

This development not only underscores Lerona's leadership capabilities but also reflects Home Credit's commitment to fostering industry leadership. The company actively promotes responsible brand-building practices, aligning with its core values and demonstrating a dedication to shaping a responsible and innovative financial industry.

As Lerona takes on these influential roles within PANA and PANAF, Home Credit anticipates that his contributions will enhance the company's visibility within the PR and advertising landscape. Moreover, it underscores Home Credit's dedication to corporate social responsibility, contributing to the betterment of society through responsible brand-building initiatives.

Lerona's election to the leadership roles in PANA and PANAF stands as a testament to his leadership capabilities and Home Credit's commitment to industry excellence and social responsibility. As Lerona contributes to shaping the industry landscape, Home Credit looks forward to the positive impact his leadership will have on both the company and the broader community.

For the latest updates from Home Credit Philippines, visit its official website at Stay connected with Home Credit on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok for exciting content. Additionally, customers are encouraged to download the My Home Credit App on Google Play to stay updated on the latest promos and explore the Marketplace.
