Fort Ilocandia Resort and Casino

What I love the most with working from home is the freedom to work at my own pace. I am also lucky to have a boss who encourages his staff to take time off every three months to recharge. And because I love to travel, I did not pass up the opportunity to take a break.

I was thinking, where to go this time? I've been to Boracay, Mindoro and Bohol. I guess it's about time to head up north. I checked Philippine Airlines website and lucky me there's something for me.

Fort Ilocandia Resort and Casino is a 77 hectare resort with numerous recreational activities. Although Fort Ilocandia is not located within the city, you do not really need to go out because they have everything you need within the facility. Considering this is a five star hotel, the price is not friendly for those traveling on a budget. You'll enjoy your stay here if you are willing to splurge. Majority of the guests here are tourists from Hongkong and Taiwan. They go here mainly to gamble at the Casino.

There was a convention on the day of my arrival at the resort. The rooms are fully booked. I was told there were 500 guests attending the convention. We were actually on the same plane with some of the participants. I had my reservation online and was lucky to get a room. I was kinda worried that the check in process will take a while since I arrived at the hotel with the convention participants. It was such a relief when I handed the receptionist of my booking confirmation, she took out a folder of my file, ask me to fill up the form, then handed me my electronic keycard. They have already assigned a room. Very efficient!

The rooms are outdated but clean. I think the management does not put too much effort in improving the rooms because most of the Chinese guests come to Fort Ilocandia to gamble at the Casino.

There is also no problem with the use of the facilities. It does not feel like we were sharing the resort with 500 other guests. Amongst the numerous recreational activities available, we tried the shooting range, the driving range, ATV, tennis and swimming. The wind was not cooperative and sadly we were not able to ride the hot air balloon.

I was kinda nervous to drive this at first. But I always want to try something new whenever I travel. And I want to experience this activity with my husband.

I was driving really slow but my husband is such a sweetheart he did not keep me out of his sight because he knows I'm nervous.

I eventually enjoyed driving the ATV but by then my fifteen minutes is over.

Hubby brought his Wilson and my Prince tagged along. We had a complimentary one hour use of the tennis court. The court is actually in a bad condition but playable.

I thought golf is easy to play. I thought watching Tiger Woods and Rory McIlroy will somehow make me good at this.

It was a wonderful experience. I did not really enjoy but I'm glad I tried.

Yeah, he loved this activity. :D

We weren't able to swim at the beach because of the strong waves during our stay.

Nobody else here but me and hubby. The way we like the beach to be. Just US.

We  stayed on the cottage near the beach and waited for the beautiful sunset.

“The pale stars were sliding into their places. 
The whispering of the leaves was almost hushed. 
All about them it was still and shadowy and sweet. 
It was that wonderful moment when, for lack of a visible horizon, 
the not yet darkened world seems infinitely greater—
a moment when anything can happen, 
anything be believed in.”

The food in the restaurants are delicious but expensive. The serving is generous though. The only downside, there is not much choice on the menu. We stayed there for 4 days and only two restaurants are operational. The complimentary buffet breakfast is delectable. A wide array of food is available. I love the congee! BTW, the chinese restaurant serves authentic chinese food. Sumptuous!

Fort Ilocandia Resort and Casino exceeded my expectations. We enjoyed our stay here and would love to come back again.
