Haiku bring me back
He that got away from me
Do I have a chance?
I was introduced to Haiku when I was 13. Our English teacher explained to the class what haiku is. She then challenged us to write a haiku. Right away I was able to compose my very first haiku. It was the traditional 5-7-5 syllables pattern. I recently revived my twitter dedicated to poetry. I started writing haiku again but I'm not always strictly observing the typical qualities of a haiku. I just want the 17 syllables.
If you're happy
and you know it
Clap your hands.
I can't.
I'm not.
I've been seeing the hashtag #vss #5lines #sixwords from some of the accounts I follow. And now the "very short story" appeals to me.
He was the one to see her
That special light inside
And when he gave her space to shine
Her colors blew his mind
I've also encountered #haikuchallenge, #micropoetry or #mpy and #orjay. I've submitted a few for the haiku challenge. The people I follow are so good I'm always having an "I wished I wrote that" moment.
room is humid
my nape is sweaty
lying beside you
I feel the distance
In this narrow bed
another summer day to endure