Shift + Alt + Careers: Online Jobs and Freelancing Learning Event

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A well-spent Saturday afternoon for us. Thank you to Coach Genesis Reonico of Online Jobs University, the keynote speakers and the other coaches for organizing this seminar about freelancing and online jobs. 

Ms. Janette Toral
e-Commerce Advocate
Founder of Digital Filipino

Mr. Mon Ibrahim
Deputy Executive Director, DOST-ICT

Mr. Evan Tan
Regional Director for SouthEast Asia

Ms. Rea Yadao
Online Jobs University Coach
R.E.A. Services Founder

Mr. Charlie Aquino
Online Jobs University Coach

Thank you Ms. Kei San Pablo, Manager of Canva Manila for giving us Canva shirts and $10 voucher to Canva.Com

I've got a notebook courtesy of Axa Philippines, one of the sponsors of the event.

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