Stand Up Comedy On Netflix

It has been three months since I installed Netflix. I registered for the free one month trial just to gauge if I could really squeeze watching movies into my so-called busy schedule. Well, Riverdale and 13 Reasons Why got me hooked. While waiting for season 2 (well, they said there's a season 2!), my latest addiction is the stand-up comedy. I mean, who wouldn't want a good laugh?

The first stand-up comedy I watched with hubby was Jo Koy Live from Seattle. Well, he is half-Filipino so I got a bit curious and interested. We were laughing to the point of crying for almost an hour! I guess the truth about certain Filipino practices are really hilarious. Every Filipino can relate to his funny stories so you better watch this if you want a good laugh.

Louis C.K.: Hilarious is the second stand-up comedy on my list. I googled him up after watching and learned that he used to write for David Letterman, Conan O'Brien and Chris Rock. Just like Jo Koy's show, Hilarious was all about funny stuff happening in real life. 

There was one night that I can't find sleep so I decided to browse on Netflix and chanced upon Aziz Ansari Live at Madison Square Garden. His take on the experiences of immigrants is funny yet it hurt. People laugh about it. I laughed but somehow behind that funny delivery I felt the difficulty they felt. I am from a country where a lot of immigrants in the US came from and I have friends and relatives who are immigrants. I know their stories.

And the latest I've watched...

The grandest of them all (well, at least from all that I've watched) is Kevin Hart What Now?. Aside from the fact that he is Kevin Hart, he had Philadelphia's Lincoln Financial Field Football Stadium sold out! I had a good laugh. It was very entertaining. But so far, it was Jo Koy who made me laugh until I cried.
