6 Health Product Packages for a healthier lifestyle

There are many things you need to do in order to live your healthiest life possible. A change in lifestyle is very challenging and requires discipline. To help you get started, Healthway Medical offers new  6 health product packages for a healthier lifestyle.


PhysicalCheQ is a comprehensive version of the existing Basic5. This annual physical examination package evaluates the general status of your health. Included in the package are

  • routine urinalysis
  • routine fecalysis
  • complete blood count (CBC)
  • fasting blood sugar (FBS)
  • blood uric acid
  • blood urea nitrogen
  • lipid profile
  • SGPT
  • creatinine 
  • SGOT
  • chest x-ray (PA)
Special examination
  • electrocardiogram (ECG)
Other inclusions
  • full medical exam
  • fixed post evaluation consult (FM/IM)
  • free snack


WellCheQ is an executive check-up that provides full examination and post evaluation of your health. The package includes


  • routine urinalysis
  • routine fecalysis
  • complete blood count (CBC)
  • fasting blood sugar (FBS)
  • blood uric acid
  • blood urea nitrogen
  • lipid profile
  • SGPT
  • HbsAg screening
  • creatinine
  • SGOT
  • chest x-ray (PA)
  • whole abdomen
  • prostate ultrasound (male)
  • breast ultrasound (female)
Special examination
  • electrocardiogram (ECG)
  • treadmill stress test
  • pap smear (female)
Other inclusions
  • full medical exam
  • postural evaluation
  • digestive health assessment
  • one free oral prophylaxis
  • one free primary care physician (PCP) consultation
  • mouth / dental exam
  • fixed post evaluation consult (FM/IM)
  • fixed specialist consult (except for neuro and psych)
  • complimentary meal
Optional tests at discounted rates may be availed. These tests are: Prostate Specific Antigen, HBA1C, Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring, Mammography, 2D Echo, Transvaginal Ultrasound, and Apicolordotic X-ray exam


DiabetesCheQ is a comprehensive diabetes screening package within your reach. 

  • SGPT
  • complete blood count (CBC)
  • uric acid
  • creatinine
  • lipid profile
  • HbA1c
  • oral glucose tolerance test (75G) inclusive of FBS
  • potassium
  • blood urea nitrogen
  • SGOT
  • chest x-ray (PA)
  • whole abdomen ultrasound
Special examination
  • electrocardiogram (ECG)
  • treadmill exercise test
Other inclusions
  • full medical exam
  • one endo or diab consult or lifestyle medicine consult
  • fixed post evaluation consult (FM/IM)
  • free nutritional counseling 
  • complimentary meal
You can also avail of the Microalbumin-Creatinine Ratio test at discounted rate.


HeartCheQ is heart care screening package to make sure you have a healthy heart

  • SGPT
  • complete blood count (CBC)
  • uric acid
  • creatinine
  • sodium (Na)
  • lipid profile
  • fasting blood sugar (FBS)
  • thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)
  • potassium
  • blood urea nitrogen
  • SGOT
  • chest x-ray (PA)
  • whole abdomen ultrasound
Special examination
  • electrocardiogram (ECG)
  • treadmill exercise test
  • 2D Echo with doppler
Other inclusions
  • full medical exam
  • one cardiologist consult or lifestyle medicine consult
  • complimentary meal
Optional tests that may be requested offered at discounted rates: spirometry, ambulatory BP monitoring, nutritional counseling, holter monitor, and microalbumin-creatinine ratio


WeightCheQ is a medical weight management package for the diagnostic, physical and medical evaluation of an individual in order to achieve the ideal weight.


  • SGPT
  • uric acid
  • creatinine
  • lipid profile
  • fasting blood sugar (FSB)
  • thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)
  • urinalysis
  • SGOT
  • chest x-ray (PA)
  • whole abdomen ultrasound
Special examination
  • electrocardiogram (ECG)
  • treadmill exercise test
Other inclusions
  • full medical exam
  • lifestyle medicine consult or endocrinologist consult
  • free nutritional counseling (weight management coach, Eatsmart workshop, BMI/Ideal weight, Nutrition diet plan)
  • complimentary meal
Optional test that can be availed at discounted rate is food intolerance test


SportsCheQ is an executive check-up that evaluates the physical condition of professional and recreational athletes.

For the professional athletes


  • complete blood count (CBC)
  • fasting blood sugar (FBS)
  • HBA1C
  • HbsAg
  • FT3
  • FT4
  • TSH
  • chest x-ray (PA)
Special examination
  • full medical history and physical examination of primary care physician
  • fitness test by physical therapist
  • fit to play certification of rehabilitation medicine specialist or orthopedic surgeon
  • treadmill stress test
  • resting electrocardiogram 
Other inclusions
  • fixed post evaluation consult (PCP)
  • complimentary meal
For recreational athletes

  • complete blood count (CBC)
  • fasting blood sugar (FBS)
  • HBA1C
  • chest x-ray (PA)
Special examination
  • full medical history and physical examination of primary care physician
  • fitness test by a physical therapist
  • fit to play certification of rehabilitation medicine specialist or orthopedic surgeon
  • resting electrocardiogram
Other inclusions
  • fixed post evaluation consult (PCP)
  • complimentary meal
Learn more about Healthway Medical's Healthy Lifestyle Bundles by visiting their website at www.healthway.com.ph 
