Self-love your way to joyful wellbeing

Friday, February 4

self love

This Valentine’s Month should be different from your past Valentine’s celebrations. More than romantic love, the value of self-love should be your priority so you can develop joyful wellbeing even beyond February. Having gone through the challenges of this pandemic, you know you deserve it. So celebrate you by embracing self-love.

It doesn’t have to involve one grand gesture or indulgence, but instead try a variety of actions that will ultimately turn into a habit – acts that will support your physical, social, financial, mental and emotional wellbeing. At the ‘Be the Stronger Better You in 2022 with FWD’ event, acclaimed physician Dr. Ging Zamora aptly said, “Total wellbeing is a work in progress, and deciding to be in a state of joy is an exercise we must strive to do as often as we possibly can.”

Financial self-love

FWD Life Insurance suggests making a long-term financial investment that covers your future needs as a form of self-love. Invest in an insurance plan that allows you to grow your money and at the same time protect yourself and your loved ones from any possible setbacks in the future. One that will give yourself the capacity to prepare for possible medical emergencies. FWD has Set for Health, KanMend and Health Bundle that may just be the right fit for you.

“We want to encourage more people to practice self-love by investing on their health and wellbeing. What we have to offer goes beyond illness coverage so our customers can celebrate living in their best health,” says Li Hao Zhuang, president and CEO of FWD. “When you are confident that you have yourself covered, you will find it easier to accomplish more and do all the things that you love.”

To help celebrate you and start your financial self-love, FWD is giving you a chance to win prizes. For those who are already going through your own self-love journey to build your overall health and wellbeing, share how you practice them on FWD’s social media accounts to possibly win prizes like Garmin smartwatch and wellness weekend for two at The Farm at San Benito. And since the Year of The Tiger starts on Valentine month, FWD will also give you a chance to win more gifts by simply booking a free financial planning session until February 15. With campaigns like these, FWD is on track to changing the way people feel about insurance. 

Physical self-love

It has been proven that regular exercise and proper nutrition are the best ways to achieve optimum physical health. Those “happy hormones” released after a good workout can definitely make you feel good. The best part of having an exercise routine is that it allows you to eat your favorite comfort food without the guilt. Indulge now, burn calories later, so they say. 

If you’re not really into hardcore exercise and strict diets, you can give yourself some physical self-love through a soothing massage every now and then, morning walks with your dog, or simply a relaxing shower. When you feel great physically, your mental and emotional state follows.

Mental and emotional self-love

We all have different ways of coping with stress and anxiety, but you can take control of your mental and emotional health by practicing self-love. Some find meditation helpful, others listen to music or certain auditory stimulants, while others find comfort in reading books. Take a social media break, go hiking for some change of scenery and fresh air, or “disappear” for a while in a solitary place of your choice if you have to.

It’s all about clearing the mind, filtering out any form of external noise, and listening to yourself to determine what makes you feel good and happy. Once you learn how to recognize your own feelings and reach your best mental and emotional health, you’ll find yourself wanting to go out again and have a blast with your friends and family.

Social self-love

Self-love can lead to selfless love. When you focus on taking care of yourself, you go through a state of overall good health and wellbeing that you grow your capability to love others and actually want to share a bit of yourself. 

You find joy in the company of others, so you make time for your family and friends even if it’s only through a virtual activity. You volunteer to social causes because you have developed the passion to serve. You love discovering new things, so you join a group of like-minded people to satisfy your interests. It's okay to do something for or with others just to make yourself feel good. If it means more people will benefit from the things you do out of self-love, then the world will be a better place. 

Whatever you do this Tiger Year beginning on Valentine Month, remember to celebrate you first. After all, the best way to feel the joy of wellbeing is through self-love. Learn more about taking care of your health and wellbeing, and FWD’s health protection plans at Health and Wellbeing | FWD Philippines
