How To Apply For UST Alumni Card and its Perks and Privileges (updated Jan 2018)

Wednesday, April 15

If your alma mater has the title "The Pontifical and Royal University of Santo Tomas" you definitely want to be identified as a Thomasian for life. When I heard about the all-new Thomasian Alumni Card, I secured one for myself because I never want the link between me and my beloved alma mater severed. 

For now, the only way you can apply for the Thomasian Alumni Card is by personally visiting the UST Office for Alumni Relations. So much has changed in and out of the campus and you can't help but reminisce and compare -- "nung time ko..." ( I graduated in 1997 so that's 18 years ago) Promise, it's worth the visit.

The UST Office for Alumni Relations is located at the 3rd floor of the newly-built building beside the PE Department. It is where the old gymnasium was located. The 12-storey building is named Buenaventura G. Paredes Building. It was named after the former UST professor and Dominican Master General martyred in 1936 during the religious persecution in Spain.

Also. make sure you are part of the UST Thomasian Alumni Information System. To know more, read HERE

How to apply for UST Alumni Card

You will be asked to fill-out an application form. After they verify the information you wrote, you will be requested to pay the card fee. There are two kinds of membership offered: annual and lifetime. The annual fee costs P500 while the lifetime membership is a one-time payment of P1,500. Now get ready to walk. You have to go to the Main Building Cashier to pay. After paying, you will return to the alumni office to have your digital picture taken and your digital signature captured.

Three minutes later, your Thomasian Alumni Card is ready.

*they are already working out on making the ONLINE APPLICATION possible. I'll keep you guys updated. :)

Here's the Thomasian Alumni Card FAQ provided by the Office of the Alumni Relations when I contacted them through
