Mozilla Developer Network Celebrates 10th Anniversary

Tuesday, July 21

It was in July 23, 2005 when Mozilla launched the original Mozilla Developer Network (MDN). MDN is an open and collaborative learning platform for web technologies such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript. MDN is more than just a platform that provides essential coding information; it addresses the developers' needs through it's supporting community of volunteer developers, with the aim of inspiring ideas, encouraging collaboration and ultimately fostering the growth of the open web.



Mozilla obtained a license from AOL to use content from Netscape's DevEdge site. The DevEdge content was mined for still-useful material, which was then migrated by volunteers into a wiki so it would be easier to update and maintain. The new wiki was launched in July 2005 as Mozilla Developer Center (MDC), also known as "devmo", shorthand for its domain name, ""


The name was changed to Mozilla Developer Network (MDN), reflecting the site's growth into a nexus for all developer documentation related to the  Mozilla Project and open web technologies.


A "Demo Studio" section was added for web developers to share and show off their code, along with learning pages to provide links to tutorials.


The basic learning pages have been expanded into "Learn the Web" content for beginning web developers, including a web terminology glossary, which Mozilla staff and volunteers will continue to develop over the next few years.

10 years after, MDN has over 4,000,000 monthly users and more than 1,000 volunteer editors per month. It is one of the richest resources on the web for documentation with 34,500 documents and climbing.  More than 20,500 contributors have made 510,000 edits to date.  There are 13,200 English pages and 21,200 translations in 42 locales. 

Be a part of the Mozilla Developer Network. You don't have to be a technical expert or a native English speaker.

For more information about MDN, visit
