Single Mom Work From Home Opportunity

I've been advocating working from home ever since I embraced this 2008. Who wouldn't want a decent-paying job without leaving the house? This is just a dream scenario for most of us and an ideal setup for single moms who want to spend quality time with their kids while earning. Here's an inspiring story of Teacher Ruby Ann and how working from home changed her life.

Single Mom Work From Home Opportunity

Before working as an online English teacher, I worked for a Call Center company. I would always change BPO companies because of the stress and the working hours. I struggled following a set schedule, particularly the ‘graveyard’ shifts. Personally, I don’t really prefer having fixed working hours. So most of the time, after a couple of months, I would get demotivated and move to a new company. 

Being a working mom with four kids is very difficult. I don’t get to see them as much as I want because of my work. When I get home, they would be in school. 

A cousin of mine, who is an online English teacher of Bibo told me to try ESL teaching. Knowing my preference for a flexible schedule, she said that the job is perfect for me. Aside from that, it’s also an advantage that I know how to speak Japanese (since I lived there before) which is also where the majority of Bibo’s students are from. 

When she mentioned that I can plot my own schedule, that made me decide to give it a shot. I started as a part time teacher since I was also busy managing our family business. When I became a single mom, that’s when I started teaching full time, so I can also have time to take care of them.

Starting with Bibo

I easily fell in love with working as a teacher. I really enjoy my classes, especially with my Japanese students. Most of my Japanese students are from Tokyo so it's easier for me to start a conversation and build a rapport. I lived there for a while and I’m familiar with the culture. The majority of my students are teenagers and it is very easy to relate to them and create common ground since we share a lot of common interests. 

Just like other moms, I also love watching Korean drama shows which my Korean students enjoy watching too. Talking about it makes me feel like I’m not working. 

Time and Flexibility

What I love the most about my job is the fact that I can work anytime I want, and I always get booked every time I open my classes. Even if students cancel 30 mins before the class, it will still get booked right away.

After getting familiarized with the teaching process and the learning materials. I realized that working as an online English teacher can be easy. My preparations for classes are very minimal. You just need to be attentive to your students to know what they need and what kind of atmosphere will work with them. Some students prefer a more serious class, other students prefer a more interactive and lively atmosphere. 

This is something that you can learn from experience. It is important that you know their preference. I also make mistakes - it is important to learn from them and remember that this is work and you have to be professional.

Financial growth and independence

Personally, the financial capacity and liberty that this job has brought me is very important. I feel more confident to move knowing I have a reliable source of income. When Bibo became a constant thing for me, that’s when I decided that I can be a single mom and that me and my kids will be alright. Before, I was very scared. 

Being able to send my kids to a private school is my biggest achievement and investment. As a single mom, doing so is not very easy. I am not very materialistic. I value education above all, because I want them to study and and have a better future. 

Who Can Work as an Online English Teacher?

Home-based online English teaching is perfect for single moms like me. You can work as a part-timer and earn extra income, or you can do full time if you want to balance your time in taking care of your kids while working. 

I am glad that I have grabbed this opportunity. If ever you will ask me if until when will I be work for Bibo Global Opportunity, I will say, “Forever.” This has been the easiest, convenient and fulfilling job I’ve ever had. Working here taught me the importance of time management and Work-Life Balance. Life is not just about money and career, it’s also witnessing your loved ones’ milestones to celebrate it with them. I am glad that I am working smart. 
