LG INSTAView Door-in-Door Refrigerator for the fuss-free kitchen of the future

Food will always play an important role in fostering relationships. Whether it’s with the family, a group of friends, or even with business transactions, food makes it easier to build a connection and a measure of trust among those sharing the meal.

Nowadays, cooking seems to be such a chore and a luxury that only those with extra time can afford. Today, almost everyone is choosing convenience instead of a home-cooked meal.

Thankfully, technology is catching up with today’s need for fast and healthy food. Appliances are now equipped with more advanced technologies to anticipate the user’s needs and even routines. And LG, the world’s leader in smart home solutions, has designed a refrigerator for the modern home — perfect for those who want a fuss-free kitchen experience. Meet the new LG INSTAView Door-in-Door Refrigerator.

The Fridge of the Future

The LG INSTAView Door-in-Door Refrigerator is nearly 26 cubic feet of state-of-the-art features tailored for the needs of the modern home.

”This refrigerator is pretty amazing. The space is like the kitchen equivalent of a walk in closet,” shares host and author Stephanie Zubiri-Crespi, LG’s lifestyle ambassador. 

”This freezer is a dream. I have all these space to separate the meats and poultry from the seafood and have enough space for storing ice cream!” she adds. 

The most notable feature of the sleek black stainless steel fridge is the INSTAView Door-in-Door™ mirror glass panel, which allows you to see inside your fridge with just two taps. This breakthrough technology also helps reduce cold airflow loss to help keep food fresher longer and saves energy by up to 41%.

The INSTAView panel, combined with LG’s own Inverter Linear Compressor, saves 32% more energy in total by adapting efficiency-engineering mechanism. With the 10-year-warranty on the Inverter Linear Compressor, you can rest assured that your INSTAView Fridge will always be in top condition — keeping your fridge in optimal temperature to maintain freshness longer.

”My favorite part about this refrigerator is the InstaView Door-in-Door feature. My kids love the ‘knock knock’ feature. It’s added space in the fridge that allows me to put my favorite snacks and drinks in an area that’s easily accessible. My husband loves that he can just grab a cold bottle of beer and go,” Stephanie shared.

Cooking is made easy when you can see all your ingredients you need to make something delicious for your family. Aside from cooking, errands like grocery shopping becomes a breeze because you’ll know what you need — minimizing time spent at the store and maximizing your time at home. 

Planning your weekly menu also helps in figuring out what you need from the grocery store. Buying in bulk is a great way to save time and money. Gone are the days of worrying about wasted food due to improper storage inside the fridge.

With the LG INSTAView Door-in-Door Refrigerator, moisture and humidity are maintained at its optimal level, thanks to the FRESHBalancer and Moist Balance Crisp storage areas. This means vegetables and fruits stay crisp and fresh, not limp and bruised, inside the fridge until the time you need it. The INSTAView Refrigerator is also equipped with HygieneFRESH+, a five-step air filter that removes up to 99.999% of harmful bacteria inside the fridge, which means food stays safer and fresher longer and unpleasant odor is eliminated.

All these features are operated by the innovative LG Smart ThinQ technology, the heart of every smart LG Home Appliance. With LG Smart ThinQ, you can access and control your fridge with a simple click using your smartphone. With a touch of a button, you can adjust the temperature, control the HygieneFRESH+ feature, and even diagnose your fridge’s performance.

Imagine your kitchen with the LG INSTAView Door-in-Door Refrigerator and you’ll see a bright future of endless possibilities at home, filled with quality time spent over a great meal with your loved ones.
