7 Probing Questions You Need To Ask Yourself Before Buying A Car

Are you in the market for a new car? If so, you have a big decision to make. Cars are people’s second biggest expense, after their homes. 

Fortunately, this post is here to help. In it, we run through some of the questions you need to ask about your new vehicle before you hand over any cash. Check out the following: 

Question 1: Do I Need A New Or Used Car? 

Deciding whether you should buy a new or used car can feel a little bit like swings and roundabouts. New cars will run for years and usually escape any major maintenance issues. (Most come with a long warranty that you can use). By contrast, used cars have shorter lives but they are substantially cheaper, saving you tremendous sums of money over the long term. 

Which you get depends on your position. If you have good finances, you can buy a new car and then sell it a couple of years later, using the money you gain to purchase another new car. 

If you have less money, used cars still offer exceptional value. Buying a vehicle that’s three to five years old provides you with reliability and also allows you to avoid the lion’s share of deprecation. 

Question 2: Is The Car Safe? 

Most modern vehicles are exceptionally safe - at least when rated by large, international bodies. But how safe? That’s the question. 

Cars with five-star ratings are just the start. Investigate whether they have additional features, such as emergency braking assist and collision warning systems. 

Finding out whether a particular attorney is the car accident lawyer for you is easy. But, as a driver, you would prefer to avoid collisions in the first place. Many modern vehicles have technology that makes that possible. 

Question 3: Do I Need A Lot Of Room In The Trunk?

The shape and style of vehicles changes dramatically depending on the size of their trunks. Sports cars often have trunks no larger than a lunchbox because their priority is streamlined bodywork. SUVs on the other hand, often look like giant boxes because designers make them for moving both people and goods around. 

When choosing a vehicle, look for one that suits your lifestyle. If you need space for a dog crate in the back, then pick a vehicle with a large trunk. If you only intend to use your vehicle for the morning commute, then you have more freedom over styling. 

Question 4: Do I Need All-Wheel Drive? 

Whether you need all-wheel drive or not largely depends on where you live. People who live in areas prone to regular snow should consider all-wheel drive as it provides more control. The same applies to those who live in rural areas and regularly need to take their vehicles off-road. 

All-wheel drive options add a premium to vehicles. So be sure that you absolutely need it. Otherwise, you may wind up spending too much. 

Question 5: How Many People Do I Need To Carry? 

How much passenger space your vehicle needs to have depends very much on your lifestyle. If you are single, then you probably only need space for one other person. However, if you regularly transport groups of friends around, you’ll need more space. 

Those with families may require even larger cars. You might need a vehicle with space for three children in the back plus extra room for their luggage. 

Question 6: How Important Is Fuel Economy To Me? 

The fuel economy of vehicles can vary dramatically from one model to another - even within the same range. Sportier models tend to have dramatically higher fuel consumption than their eco-friendly counterparts. 

Consider how important fuel economy is for you. Fuel economy could be important because you commute to work every day by car and you want to keep your costs down. It could also be important because you want to protect the environment. 

In some cases, it may be more economical to buy an electric vehicle. These cars make sense for people who do a lot of short-distance driving daily. They eliminate your fuel expenses and bring down the long-term cost of transport considerably. However, you will need to pay more upfront compared to a conventional vehicle. 

Question 7: Can I Afford It? 

Estimates suggest that the average US car owner spends around $10,000 per year running and maintaining their vehicles. That’s a lot of money. 

Before you make a purchase, therefore, you need to ask yourself whether you can actually afford a new car. In many cases, your overall lifestyle will be better if you find other means of transportation. 
