Laundry tips to keep clothes smelling fresh with Unilever Home Care


Summer is not yet officially over but we are already experiencing heavy rains these past few days. Not being able to air dry the laundry sometimes makes it smelling unpleasant. Unilever Home Care gives you up to 50% off this coming Shopee 6.6 Mid-year Sale so you can get only the best home essential products. 

Here are some laundry tips to keep clothes smelling fresh:

Sort the clothes that goes into your laundry pile.

Do not put damp clothes in your hamper. It is best to put them in a hanger or if possible wash them right away to avoid breeding of bacteria that causes bad odor.  Gym clothes soaked with sweat have stronger smell that will make the entire pile contaminated. If you have clothes with stain, treat them immediately.

Clean the washing machine after every use.

There are detergent residue and fluff from fabrics that may build up if you do not regularly clean the washing machine. Clean the washing machine by adding vinegar or  a small amount of bleach to a tub filled of water and let it run for 15 minutes. Drain the water and then rinse. 

Use an appropriate laundry detergent for your machine.

You may have a favorite laundry detergent but is it really doing its job of making you clothes clean and fresh? You also don't need to always follow the recommended detergent measurement on the packaging. Washing machines have different capacity. The larger the capacity, the more detergent you need. 

There are new and innovative products that will help you achieve a cleanliness and freshness you desire for your laundry. Use Breeze Power Machine for clothes that you wear at home. For clothes that you use outdoors where you are exposed to dust, pollution, and sweat, the New Breeze Power Machine Anti-Bacterial removes up to 99.99% of germs.

Get the Breeze Laundry Liquid Detergent Power Machine 1L Bottle 2x + FREE Breeze Liquid Antibacterial 650ml at 25% off  here:

Use a clothesline or dryer.

Make sure that the clothes are thoroughly dry before you fold them and keep inside the cabinet. Hanging your laundry outside to dry in the sun is still the best practice. For those living in small spaces or if the weather doesn't permit, invest in a good clothes dryer.

Don't let the rainy days stop you from doing your laundry. Add to cart your favorite home essentials from Unilever Home Care and Celebrate the mid-year with P66 and P77 deals, shipping discount vouchers, and 10% off daily at Shopee's 6.6 - 7.7 Mid-Year Sale!
