God Listens

Be an angel to someone else whenever you can, 
as a way of thanking God for the help your angel has given you. 

I prayed to God last Thursday not to let my blood extraction appointment fall on a Friday. It did.  Big problem. My car's plate number ends in "0". So I have to commute from Antipolo to Makati Med then to St Luke's Quezon City.

Friday morning. I prayed to God to at least help me reach my destination on time.

I had to take a shuttle to Makati then  wherever the shuttle will drop me off, I need to hail a cab that will bring me to Makati Med.

I arrived at the shuttle terminal 645am. The queue was sooooo long! No way for me to reach Makati before 9am.

In my mind, I was singing my favorite song "God will make a way, when there seems to be no way, He works on ways we cannot see, He will make a way for me" over and over.

710am. A white Honda car arrived. He was offering a carpool for 4 ladies going to Ayala. Lucky to be one of the four.

The three ladies alighted before we reached Ayala. I asked the driver if he could drop me anywhere near Makati Medical Center or anywhere I could hail a cab. He said, "I work near Makati Med. I'll drop you right there." Before getting off his car, I told him " You are such a big blessing for me today. Thank you so much and God bless you." He said, "Welcome. I'm glad I was able to help someone today. Pay it forward." 

I made it on time. 

After the blood extraction, I need to meet with my doctor at St Luke's Quezon City. While on the elevator, I prayed that I'll find a cab that is not difficult to convince to travel from Makati to QC. 

Voila, there waiting outside the building is an empty Basic Taxi. Another answered prayer. When we reached New Manila, there was a pick up request on his radio. Somewhere near WalterMart E. Rodriguez. I told the driver, "That's near St Luke's. You can pick up that passenger." He said, "Really ma'am? Thank you." I told him, "Just drop me off Cafe France. You need not enter the St Luke's premises. You'll be delayed by traffic inside."

He was so thankful for me being considerate. I said, "Welcome. And thank you too."

Thank you because I was able to pay it forward right away.

God is good.

All the time.
