I Love PepperLunch

When I asked my husband last night if he wants to go to Shangri-la or Megamall, I already have an agenda. I want to eat at Pepper Lunch. But I haven't decided yet what I want to have. I tweeted about it and I'm glad I received a reply from PepperLunch Manila informing me that I better check the Megamall branch because Shangri-la is closed on November 1. We always eat at their Shangri-la branch so it's my first time at Megamall. 

Pepper Lunch Megamall

I learned about Pepper Lunch from a friend's blog. His family loves good food and I always check his blog whenever I'm on a gastronomic hunt. The idea of cooking my own food is very appealing and as expected, I went to Pepper Lunch Shangri-la the following weekend. Since then, I love Pepper Lunch.

It's always a choice between Beef Pepper Rice (if I do not want to eat a lot hehe), Cut Steak and Beef Yakiniku. Whichever I choose, I always smother it with my favorite Garlic Soy Sauce.

I ordered Beef Yakiniku. This generous serving comes with side veggies and a cup of rice. I'm actually on a low glycemic diet but because this is Pepper Lunch, I declared November 1 as my "cheat day".  I opted for the Bonus Meal. For an additional of P60, I had this meal paired with Coke Light (to lessen the guilt hahaha) and my favorite Miso Soup.

My husband ordered Double Hamburger Steak with Egg and mashed potato. It was our first time to try their mashed potato and we both agreed... it's soft and smooth and YUMMY!

I noticed that after cooking our food, we started eating and were not talking for almost ten minutes.  A sign that we are enjoying our food. Then I told him, "Hey, we are not talking! We are too busy eating." He said, "Yeah." Then we just exchanged short comments. Me saying, "I love the miso". He, "the mashed potato is good." Me, "I think I'll be able to eat all the rice." :D

How much do we love Pepper Lunch?  Well, the picture reveals an obvious answer.
