Baby Ace: A Little Warrior's Battle With Liver Disease

Monday, December 15

He is baby Ace Jirouxian Isirani. He was born last March 20, 2013. He lives in Commonwealth, Quezon City. I met him yesterday at the Christmas Party of Biliary Atresia Babies and Ahon Pamilyang Lansangan Foundation.

The result of his upper abdomen ultrasound revealed some abnormalities with his liver. His eyes are yellowish and his stomach is already swelling. He has not undergone biopsy yet  due to low platelets count.

He is prescribed with various medicines for maintenance until such time that his condition improves in order for him to undergo liver biopsy.

Please help support his fundraising for his liver transplantation. Any amount will definitely help him win this battle.

Account Name    : Jan Hanzel Isirani
Bank Name         : Bank of the Philippine Islands
Account Number : 037-914997-9
Branch                 : BPI Commonwealth

For more information, you can contact:

Masami Isirani (mother)
(63) 905.531.8073
