Zumba with ZIN Garnet: Be Summer Ready

First day of March and suddenly the scorching heat of summer is making its presence felt. Are you already planning your beach vacation but is still not confident to flaunt your bikini body?

Achieve the summer-ready body by sweating it out through Zumba. Join us for a fun one hour Zumba session at Marikina Sports Center and you'd be surprised how easy it is to burn those calories. 

ZIN Garnet is a licensed Zumba Instructor. Catch him from Monday to Sunday, 8-9 pm at the Old Lobby of Marikina Sports Center and find out for yourselves why the first timers and those who are not into dancing got hooked to Zumba. Only P50 for one session.

Here's a testimonial from one his clients:

For private bookings,

ZIN Garnet Badilla
