Nestle 2015 Wellness Expo: The Breakfast Edition

Nutrition Month in the country kicks off with the 2015 Nestle Wellness Expo last July 4 and 5, 2015 at SM Megatrade Halls 1-3, focusing on the importance of a healthy breakfast in achieving personal wellness. 

The annual Wellness Expo, now on its seventh year, is a colorful, dynamic celebration of wellness that expects to draw more than 30,000 visitors this year, and is a major component of Nestlé’s long-term advocacy to promote Nutrition, Health and Wellness (NHW) among Filipino families.

“Our mission is to nurture generations of Filipino families and to contribute to the development of a strong and prosperous nation, as we have done these last 104 years. We are and will continue to be the Kasambuhay ng Pamilya at ng Sambayanang Pilipino (partner in life of families and the nation),” said Nestlé Philippines Chairman and CEO Suresh Narayanan.

The focus on eating a healthy breakfast, also the theme of Nestlé Philippines’ NHW advocacy this year, is driven by the important role the first meal of the day has in terms of nutrition, according to SVP and Director of Communication and Marketing Services Paolo Mercado.

From February to March this year, Nestlé deployed over 600 nutritionists to provide personalized nutrition counseling to more than 950,000 consumers in supermarkets and groceries nationwide. In the counseling sessions, Nestlé nutritionists explained to consumers the importance of a Wellness breakfast habit, built around the ‘My Wellness Plate’, a practical guide on how to eat right based on the ‘Pinggang Pinoy’ of the Food and Nutrition Research Institute of the Department of Science and Technology (FNRI-DOST).

“Nestlé’s ‘My Wellness Plate’ teaches that half your plate should be ‘glow’ foods (fruits and vegetables) and the other half should be a combination of ‘go’ foods (carbohydrates) and ‘grow’ foods (proteins), accompanied by a healthy beverage. We recommend that the principle of ‘My Wellness Plate’ be followed in every meal, starting with breakfast, for one to be able to meet his or her nutritional needs,” Mr. Mercado said.

To highlight the importance of breakfast to jumpstart your day, Nestlé is launching the 21 Mornings Program, a 21-day meal plan designed by Nestlé Philippines together with a panel of chefs and nutritionists to help you get started on a wellness breakfast habit.

“It’s a ‘21 Mornings Program’ because it takes about 21 days to build a habit. However you choose to have your breakfast, whether it’s one you can easily prepare, or one you can eat on the go, or a full and hearty breakfast, we have a Wellness Breakfast Program for you,” Nestlé Corporate Wellness Head Leslie Go- Alcantara said. Consumers signing up for 21 Mornings Program are given a 21-day Breakfast Plan, Recipes with Nutrient Count, Wellness Tips and a Grocery Checklist to help them complete the program.

In support of the 21 Mornings Program is a 21-day breakfast sampling activity via the Wellness Breakfast Truck, which will visit selected venues to promote awareness about various breakfast options available through 21 Mornings. Brand ambassadors will invite consumers to visit the Wellness Breakfast Truck to learn about and sign up for the 21 Mornings Program, with the first 500 consumers per day getting a free breakfast and a Nestlé beverage. The Wellness Breakfast Truck will also offer free nutritional consultation.

with Nestle Brand Ambassador James Younghusband

To sign up and know more about the Nestlé 21 Mornings Program, visit the Nestlé Choose Wellness website.
