Tips on How To Teach English To Kids Online

Teaching kids is not the same as teaching adults, and teaching online is different from traditional classroom teaching. Handling kids in an online setting demands more creativity and energy; more effort is needed to capture and sustain their attention. It is for these reasons that many teachers find teaching English to kids online quite challenging. Below are some helpful tips from 51Talk online kids’ teachers:

1. Preparation is KEY. In order to teach kids effectively, you need to know the lesson topic and gather the pertinent teaching materials. Also, anticipate questions your student may ask.

2. Use teaching aids such as flashcards, puppets, picture books, toys, etc. These will help keep your student’s attention and eyes on the screen. Not only will young students enjoy the lesson, but their parents will also see how professional you are.

3. Enunciate. You should exaggerate the movements of your lips to say words. This is important because the students need a very good model of language use.

4. Make your movements big. Remember how actors on Sesame Street do it? In online teaching, your students will face many distractions. You need to ensure that they focus their attention on you as much as possible.

5. Entertain your students. Kids get bored. You need to be amusing and on your toes all the time. If you need to sing or dance, do so! Teaching will be much more fun, and it will create a closer bond between you and your student.

6. Be flexible. Know how to adapt to each student and use different teaching strategies. For example, for students who are visual learners, use more visual aids. For students who are musical, songs or dances may help you teach more effectively.

Armed with the tips above and with your passion for teaching, you will find teaching English to kids online more fun and enjoyable. When you see your students applying the lessons you have taught them, it leaves you overwhelming sense of fulfillment. 

If you are passionate about teaching English to kids online, visit to apply.

51Talk is the leading online English education company in China and in the Philippines, with both the most customers and the largest foreign teacher number. 51Talk aims at providing a comprehensive, all-in-one online education platform through its unique foreign teacher 1 to 1 teaching model.
