Change The Way You See Happiness

While other people are very secretive with their age, I am proud and excited to be forty this September. The idea of getting old is bittersweet. It's something to celebrate because there are those who die young. It is also something that reminds me that I'm slowly inching towards pushing up daisies. 

I've been in a reflective mood every now and then. Looking back at the past decades of my life, how do I see happiness?

Happiness is my twin. We arrived on earth the same day I inhaled my first breath outside my mother's womb. As a baby I have no idea what happiness means. But I know it was something I gave my parents. Me being born made a wonderful difference in their life.

Happiness is knowing a child is waiting for you at home after a long day at work. It is the smile that greets you as you enter the door. It is the hug that says, "I miss you. I'm glad you are now home." It is the discovering of new things. It is the first word, the first step, the first vacation. 

Playtime with my siblings and cousins

As a child, happiness is creating memories with the people I love.

Growing up has changed my definition of happiness. It is being famous in school because you are either beautiful or intelligent. It means being able to do "cool stuff" with your friends. Happiness is being noticed by your crush. 

As a teenager, happiness is feeling good about myself.

University life was tough. It was when I had to prove everybody that I deserve the Accountancy Major slot I was given. Being beautiful or famous do not matter this time. Happiness means passing the qualifying exams. It means marching at the PICC after four years while crying because I am now part of the Thomasian Alumni. 

Happiness means getting hired while still reviewing for the board examination. It means climbing the corporate ladder and enjoying the perks of success.

As a career woman, happiness is being an achiever.

Getting married to my boyfriend of 12 years is one of the best things that happened in my life. Last April, we celebrated our 12 years of marriage. That's a total of twenty four years of being together. We've got our share of ups and downs. We still don't agree on a lot of things. But happiness is waking up next to this man every morning. It is the feeling of being loved in spite of my shortcomings. 

As a wife, happiness is having someone who looks beyond my imperfections.

Happiness cannot have only one definition. It is the sum of all the experiences in every phase of our life that has made us what we are today. I still have a long way to go. I want to capture every moment that will define my happiness with Huawei P9. Huawei P9’s camera is co-engineered with Leica. It has dual lenses that produces high quality photos and allow users to take amazing monochrome, slo-mo, colored, light painting photos among others. Mobile Photography has made me share in an instant snaps of my gastronomic indulgence, travels and adventures to the world through my social media accounts and my blog. 

Let's keep the positive energy flowing. Share with me a moment in your life that defines happiness. 
