Reasons Why You Should Have Pinterest

This article is actually for me. I have a Pinterest account and I spend hours browsing through pins but my own account doesn't have anything pinned yet. Is Pinterest really beneficial to bloggers?

Pinterest drives traffic

Who doesn't like traffic? I'm not asking the commuters here. People have been investing a lot of time to gain followers on their facebook pages. I maintain a Facebook page and a Twitter account. I do get some referral traffic there but the figure is not impressive. I guess most people who are on Facebook are not too keen on clicking the article link.  The people who are on Pinterest are those who love to read click-worthy contents.

Pinterest makes you reach desired audience better

Launched in 2010, Pinterest announced 175 million monthly active users as of March 2017.  Pinners can easily upload contents that link back to their websites. Categories make it organized and easier to browse through pins catering to a specific interest. 

Pinterest contents are always visible

Unlike Facebook or Twitter where your posts go to the bottom after a while, your Pinterest contents show up in the newsfeed and get new impressions everytime they are repinned or liked. It means website visits even for articles that you have written months ago.

Is it too late for me to start using Pinterest? I say, not. Better late than never.

Follow my Pinterest account and I'll be more than glad to follow back.
