Are Filipinos Happy In The Workplace?

Are you happy in the workplace?

If your answer is NO, you share the sentiments of the majority of the 9,326 Filipino respondents in a recent survey conducted by from July 31 to August 31, 2017.

What makes Filipinos unhappy?

The Boss

If you think that low basic salary is the main reason why employees are unhappy in the workplace, you are wrong. The number one factor that makes employees unhappy is the boss or the immediate superior. Bad day at work more often than not is caused by bad bosses. How many of you complain about inefficient managers? You feel like all they do are boss around and yet they lack the professional skill to manage or lead people?

When people find themselves working for bad bosses and it seems like there is no chance of change, the employees will be affected not just on the professional level but also personally. Instead of enduring the situation every day, the only solution is to quit the job.

Did you know that Filipino male employees are happier, 
so are employees with male bosses?

The top 2 factor that makes employees unhappy is low basic salary while benefits and perks is on the third spot. Training opportunities, leadership team, and career development are on the bottom three.

What makes Filipinos happy?


Your colleagues will eventually become your friends. We spend most of our days at work and it is easier to work with people you get along well. A negative environment with co-workers hating each other is more stressful than the work load. 

Many Filipinos can endure long, tiring hours at work as long as they have colleagues they could laugh with or share a meal during breaks. A happy workplace can boost an employees productivity.

Healthy relationships with colleagues make Filipinos 
happy at work.

The millennials and the Gen Z are dissatisfied with basic salary while the baby boomers and the Gen X feel the need for career development and self-actualization.

For more information about and the 2017 Job Happiness Index, visit
