Everyst Stories Releases Masi Oka's Solar Flare and other new stories

Masi Oka, Emmy and Golden Globe nominated actor who starred in Heroes and Hawaii Five-O,  is now part of Everyst as a creative advisor and has co-created Solar Flare, the latest original series released by Everyst Stories.

Solar Flare is an upcoming series that put together elements of science fiction and comedy into a light-hearted, character-driven adventure. The story follows a group of young and excited self-acclaimed geniuses on a mission to explore the Alpha Centauri star system for habitable worlds. In order to get there, the group must ride the wave of a solar flare.

Members of the creative team for Solar Flare  include Hengtee Lim, Ben Watanabe, and Filipino illustrators Jayron Zapanta and Fer Lan Oppa.

About Everyst

Everyst is a social fiction app that tells its stories through real-time character-written tweets. Based in Tokyo, Japan, Everyst Stories are collected and published through its proprietary publishing tool. This allows readers to receive real-time notifications and enjoy stories at their own pace.

It is a new approach to manga and light novels where characters post updates on Twitter.

"You see all sorts of social media personalities telling stories through their posts," shares Everyst content creator Merryweather. "Social fiction is more like theater. You have characters actually participating in the delivery of the story to the audience, which makes it the most immersive type of fiction that you can create."

Other Stories to follow

The Conspiracy Research Club  is a loving homage to the aesthetics of horror. The series follows Luna Gardner (@CRC_Luna), a member of the Poppy Valley High School Conspiracy Research Club who investigates the strange events of her hometown with her friends. Stories are published every week.

The Convenience Store is inspired by Hengtee Lim's experience in retail. It follows the story of Eddie (@Eddieededed) and the seemingly endless parade of people and events that come his way. A light-hearted comedy that pokes fun at the mundane, readers can follow all the laughs, heartaches, and shenanigans Eddie experiences each and every day.

The Everyst app is available on iOS and Android. Download it now and start reading these incredible stories.
