5 Facts About Flooring Everybody Should Know

When I transferred to a new and bigger house, the flooring in the living area is different with the one used in the bedrooms. The granite flooring downstairs I think is easier to clean and maintain compared with the laminated wood flooring upstairs.

You know that flooring easily get scratches no matter what finish you have used while designing. So yes, you know that very well that your furniture is the main culprit in this but you can easily get rid of this. Oh, I did not mean getting rid of your furniture, I meant getting rid of furniture scratches easily, chuckles! Well you can do that by using foam or some soft material as a protector under your furniture where ever it touches the floor. Also, if you like to change your furniture settings very frequently then always remember to lift it up instead of dragging from one place to another.

Here are 5 facts about flooring you should know.

1. Be Aware of Static Charge Building

If you live in such an area where relative humidity is very low then you really need to beware of static charge building in your flooring. Yes, it is very much possible for this build up when your room’s relative humidity is low and you need to be extra cautious for such situation. It is very important to use humidifier and any other such gadget in your home if you think static charge building can take place in your home. 

2. Bamboo Flooring

We know that hardwood flooring is in trend or you might like it but the fact of it being expensive is what many people do not opt for it. But you don’t need to worry as you can have similar alternative which is less expensive and in fact more eco-friendly as well. Yes, bamboo flooring are that alternative and you are going to love it as bamboo gives you the same feel as of hardwood flooring at much lower cost with more eco-friendly environment at your home.

3. Cork Tiles

Okay, another interesting fact about flooring is using cork tiles. What? No, I am not joking. You can really use tiles made of cork and trust me you are going to love them. Tiles made from cork are in fact more sustainable, resilient than others, does not contain formaldehyde and the best part is they are very easy to clean. 

Source: http://www.handyman.net.au/sites/default/files/articles/r-Cork-Floor-main-2.jpg

4. Laminated Wood Flooring

I know that scratches are very unsightly. If you get really irritated with scratches and want to see completely scratch-free floor then laminate flooring is just made for you. It is also not that much expensive so cost is also not a problem and they amazingly resist scratches due to its chemical and physical properties.

5. Vinyl Tiles

Want to do it all yourself and don’t want to hire any contractor? Vinyl Tiles is the answer! Yes, vinyl tiles are the most easily available option if you are not a professional and still want to do it all by yourself. They can be installed very easily by almost anyone and in fact cutting of these tiles is also very easy. They are also more durable than others plus they come in huge variety of colors and designs in local markets so of course you have multiple options to choose.
