We are on the verge of a post-pandemic world. Most companies have been forced to adjust to the new needs to survive the pandemic. However, for many, the change was temporary, and they can’t wait to go back to normal. Yet, COVID-19 transformed people’s expectations of health and safety in the office. You might find that a lot of employees are reluctant to head back to the office as a result of COVID anxiety. Therefore, businesses need to upgrade their facilities and health and safety approach inside the workplace. Even with a coronavirus vaccine, it is unlikely that risks will disappear overnight. What can businesses do to make their team feel more confident about the workplace after the traumatic experience of a global pandemic?
Contagion and virus awareness
COVID is not the only virus that can be tackled down by merely washing your hands. The typical winter cold and flu could easily be stopped by keeping a strict handwashing routine. However, most people were happy to ignore health advice until COVID-19. Similarly, hand sanitizers are equally effective against a variety of infections and viruses. The only reason why most employees used to have a lenient approach to hand care in the workplace is that most transmissible illnesses presented little risks. COVID has transformed routines. Most employees will seek safety measures for a germ-free environment. The addition of hand gels and sanitizing wipes in the office can make a huge difference. Additionally, restrooms should also have plenty of hand soap with regular top-ups.
Understanding of underlying conditions
For the first time, a disease has highlighted significant disparities in health among the population. Individuals with an underlying disorder are identified as vulnerable and should self-isolate against COVID-19. Even in a post-pandemic world, existing health conditions can put someone’s life at risk. Why did people take a gamble and ignore potential issues? The reason is simple: Until the pandemic, nobody considered the danger of having a weakened immune system. However, businesses can’t ignore it any longer. Employers healthcare services need to address the silent health disorders in the workforce. Offering assistance programs to tackle some of the worst pressures on the immune system, such as a poor diet, obesity, and stress, can make a huge difference. The introduction of fitness incentives can also reduce health risks for employees, such as discount gym memberships or a sports zone in the workplace.
Remote work is here to stay
Businesses may be ready to go back to the way things were. But how many employees are willing to give up on the joys of remote work arrangements? Indeed, working from home during the pandemic has given many stressed out households a flexible work/life balance and health management. The majority of tech professionals expect to carry on working from home, even once COVID-19 is under control. Professionals don’t believe that remote work affects their career progression. On the contrary, they have demonstrated that they can sustain productivity and quality from home. Businesses that fail to embrace the change of mindset may face high turnover rates.
Will the workplace of the future have robots like in The Jetsons? Robots will likely come into our offices, but they could be acting as sanitizing resources. Ultimately, the workplace of tomorrow needs to manage health fears caused by the pandemic. Creating a safe environment that reduces underlying risks is a priority for businesses in a post-pandemic world.