Mang Inasal Ignites Environmental Commitment with Solar-Powered Stores in Zamboanga

Solar-Powered Stores

Mang Inasal, renowned as the Philippines' Grill Expert, is embracing a greener path towards environmental sustainability. In a strategic move aligning with Jollibee Group's renewable energy initiatives, Mang Inasal is initiating the installation of solar panel-mounted rooftops in selected stores. President Mike V. Castro expressed gratitude for the overwhelming support from franchisees, emphasizing the brand's dedication to contributing positively to the environment.

As of December 2023, Mang Inasal has successfully launched the use of solar panels in its Sindangan and Molave stores located in Zamboanga. This marks a significant leap forward in the brand's commitment to reducing its carbon footprint and embracing eco-friendly business practices.

Hanzel Uy, franchisee of Mang Inasal Sindangan, shares the sentiment that focusing on environmental responsibility adds a profound meaning to running the business. Beyond the cost-effectiveness of solar energy, franchisees take pride in contributing to a cleaner environment and leaving a better world for future generations. Uy emphasizes the long-term savings on utility costs as a tangible benefit, coupled with the satisfaction of supporting renewable energy sources.

The installation of solar panel-mounted rooftops at Mang Inasal Sindangan and Molave has resulted in a substantial positive impact. These two locations have generated an estimated annual savings of 48,000 kilowatt-hours, showcasing the practical benefits of harnessing solar energy. Additionally, the reduction in carbon dioxide emissions amounts to an impressive 34,000 kilograms, aligning Mang Inasal with global efforts to combat climate change.

Mang Inasal's foray into solar energy demonstrates a proactive approach towards sustainability within the fast-food industry. By making environmentally conscious choices, the brand not only sets an example for others but also contributes to building a more sustainable future. As the initiative gains momentum, customers can expect more Mang Inasal stores to adopt solar-powered solutions, further solidifying the brand's commitment to environmental stewardship.

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