HONOR Celebrates the Year of the Dragon with Jackie Chan as Brand Ambassador

Jackie Chan

In a groundbreaking announcement, HONOR, the leading smartphone brand in China, proudly declared Jackie Chan as its Year of the Dragon Ambassador during the recent launch event of the HONOR Magic6 series and HONOR Porsche Design. This strategic collaboration aims to elevate the brand's connection with consumers and add a touch of cultural significance to its lineup.

HONOR's commitment to connecting technology with consumers is evident through its array of New Year-themed activities, services, and benefits. One standout event was the spectacular New Year's Eve light show held at the Taiyuan LIFE store. This visually stunning experience seamlessly blended modern technology with traditional architecture, creating a visual feast that bridged the realms of technology and art. The event symbolized the harmonious collision of classics and the future, setting the tone for a promising 2023.

On the eve of the New Year, HONOR showcased its technological prowess by road-testing the HONOR 100 series smartphones. Equipped with SLR-level photo cameras, these smartphones promised to capture breathtaking New Year's moments for customers. This move demonstrated HONOR's dedication to providing cutting-edge technology that enhances user experiences, especially during special occasions.

The symbolism of the Dragon, denoting high-ranking status and excellence, perfectly aligns with HONOR's choice of Jackie Chan as its Year of the Dragon Ambassador in China. Not only does the iconic actor embody the stature of a Dragon, but he also possesses a heart that relentlessly pursues excellence. This collaboration marks a significant milestone for both HONOR and Jackie Chan, promising a synergistic partnership that goes beyond mere endorsement.

Looking ahead, HONOR plans to collaborate with Jackie Chan in the coming months to bring forth a series of thrilling activities for HONOR fans and tech enthusiasts in China. This partnership is poised to create memorable experiences and innovative ventures that showcase the intersection of technology and entertainment.

For more exciting news and announcements, enthusiasts can follow HONOR Philippines on its social media platforms Additionally, those interested in exploring HONOR's products can check out the complete list of retail stores at https://www.hihonor.com/ph/retailers/.