How To Create A Great Logo Design

Monday, December 4

If you have been following my blog, you  probably noticed I change my theme, layout, and logo as often as the season changes. I must admit, I still haven't found what I truly like. Well, being fickle-minded is also a factor. But I know I have to make up my mind. I've got so many exciting plans for my blog for 2018 and my need for a great logo design is urgent.

A logo should not only be beautiful. It should reflect your brand and personality.

Your logo is as important as your name. Ask yourself these questions:

  • What is my personality?
  • Who is my target market?
  • Why am I doing this?
  • What are my values?
  • What is my brand all about?
A logo should have a recall.

Your logo should stand out from the rest. It should provide a brand recall. Carefully choose the font, colors, and icons. Understand the psychology of shapes and colors. Don't be afraid to experiment combinations.

A logo should be something you'll be proud of.

Always ask for the opinions of others. Be open to criticism. Sometimes, we need to ask help from other people to identify things that you might have overlooked. Once everything is perfect, be proud and share the logo design on your social media accounts. It's the best way to increase brand awareness.

Don't know how to make a logo?

I've been experimenting on my blog's logo which I plan to use in 2018 (and for the rest of my life hahaha) at It's a free logo maker and you don't have to be expert to create a logo that will be the envy of brands. All you need is an inspiration (and they do help you with that too!). Logojoy is super user-friendly you'd enjoy so much that you wouldn't notice you've been DIY-ing for hours already. What I also like about Logojoy is that I can create as many logo designs as I want and I only pay for what I like. They got a package that will suit your need. You can choose from Basic, Premium, and Enterprise.

Wanna give it a try? Start making a logo now. 

I'll be spending the last few weeks of 2017 creating logos until I have the "This is the one!" feeling. Watch out for my blog's logo revelation in January!
