MILO Champ Camp, Barangay MILO Liga Launched

Thursday, April 19

Disiplina. Kumpyansa. Pakikisama. These are the values that instilled in people who are into sports. MILO Philippines are continuously creating opportunities for children to get into sport and learn these values. New sports programs are launched for the children studying in public schools and for the barangays nationwide. The MILO Champ Camp and the Barangay MILO Liga aim to bring sports closer to grassroots communities. These programs will be offered for free.

MILO Champ Camp

Kicking off this June, the MILO Champ Camp is a nationwide school sports campaign in partnership with the Department of Education (DepEd). Skilled young coaches will be teaching elementary students from public schools the basics of basketball, volleyball, and football. The parents will also be taught on the value of getting their children into sports and the importance of proper nutrition .

MILO Champ Camp will roll out in 300 public schools nationwide. An estimate of 500,000 students and 30,000 parents are expected to participate in the program.

Barangay MILO Liga

100 barangays will have a refurbished multi-use courts from Baguio to General Santos City. The aim is to provide children in the communities to have a safe, modern, and conducive sports facilities. Existing sports facilities will be transformed into MILO Courts of Values. Improvements include repainting or restoration of basketball courts, and supplying brand new sports equipment.

MILO Philippines has partnered with existing barangay leagues. The Barangay MILO Liga has already started mid-March and is set to culminate in their respective barangay finals end of April until May.
