Married Life is Better If There Is Love In Action

When I got married, me and my husband decided we will not hire a house helper. Aside from the fact that we don't find the need for one, I grew up in a household where we never had one. During the first five years of marriage, we were both working. And then I started working from home and have more time to do most of the chores. But my husband has been doing his share in helping me keep the house spic and span. 

What does a typical day in our life look like?

I prepare our meals. My husband does the dish washing after breakfast and I am in charge of washing the dishes in the evening. But whenever I have so much to do all day or I get home late from an event, he would lovingly volunteer to do the dishes even though he is also tired working all day. That's the sweetest gesture ever!

In return, I make sure that washing the dishes will be an enjoyable experience for him. Greasy pots and pans are really stressful to wash. I used to hate cooking tocino, caldereta, and even bulalo. I know he doesn't like washing greasy plates too but he never complained. Good thing, I discovered Bubbleman two years ago and has been using it since then. The Anti-bac is my favorite variant.

When it comes to cleaning the bathrooms, I single-handedly clean all three. I''m super OC with the bathroom that's why. I also love using Bubbleman in cleaning the bathroom sink and the daily quick brushing of the floor before I take a bath. I love the Bubbleman lemon scent for the bathroom.

Love In Action

Married life become miserable when couples start resenting each other for not helping out in household chores. It is very important that a couple determines who is responsible in doing specific tasks. Gender roles and issues about power or career superiority should never be a factor in your marriage. Never make the wife feel inferior because she doesn't earn money for the family and never make the husband "useless" because he does less household chores.

My husband cleans the first floor of our house while I clean the bedrooms and bathrooms at the second floor. We would finish about the same time and spend the rest of the day just enjoying a movie marathon while having soda and chips. I love cleaning the garage (or anything that requires brushing) and he takes out the trash. 

Doing household chores is another way of showing love. It's letting your wife know how much you appreciate the food served and so you'd do the dishes. It's being grateful for the beautiful house he had built for you and so you make sure he'd come home to a clean house. 
