Southstar Drug empowers persons with disability

persons with disability art

Persons with disability should not be looked down upon and considered as a burden. Most of them are capable of being productive if given the opportunity. Southstar Drug is one of the companies in the Philippines that employs persons with disability. Southstar Drug empowers persons with disability by partnering with Project Inclusion Network (PIN) and creating opportunities. To date, Southstar Drug has 23 persons with disability working in several of their branches.

Drop the Prefix Advocacy

persons with disability art

Southstar Drug has launched the Drop the Prefix Advocacy to raise awareness about the persons with disability. Aside from removing the perception that they are not functioning members of the society, the advocacy also aims to raise funds for persons with disability who have talent in arts. The funds will be used to sponsor their training and development.

persons with disability art

Through art, persons with disability can showcase their talent. Enhancing their skills can help them to earn a living.

Be Part of the Advocacy

persons with disability art

Southstar Drug customers can be part of the Drop the Prefix advocacy by purchasing bags designed by selected artists who are part of the Project Inclusion Network's pool. There are three designs to choose from and these bags are produced by persons with disability through Goodwill Industries of the Philippines. Goodwill is a civic organization whose main purpose is to provide skill empowerment to PWD.

persons with disability art

The artists who designed these bags are Maribeth, Joaquin and Juan Gabriel. 

Maribeth is deaf but very talented in painting. She used to just watch on YouTube painting tutorials and copy the arts that she saw. She underwent training and then started to create her original artworks. She can now support her family through her craft.

Joaquin is a person with autism who paints as part of his therapy. It has helped him become patient and comfortable with his surroundings. Joaquin has eventually discovered his love for arts and he has been creating arts with subject about wellness and the environment.

persons with disability art
Juan Gabriel is also a person with autism. He is into charcoal painting and can also do animation. While he is a naturalist painter, his parents let him explore and decide what kind of art he wants to do.

The Drop the Prefix Advocacy bag will be available for purchase at Southstar Drugstore branches nationwide starting October 15.
