How to achieve healthy brain aging

Monday, April 5


As we get older, our body also goes through changes. Most of us are way too concerned with visible signs of skin aging that we are always on the lookout for the best products to preserve youthful complexion. But how about the brain? Mental function decline is feared by many and yet only a few are taking steps to keep the brain healthy. 

Dr Gary Small, a member of the Herbalife Nutrition Advisory Board and an expert in the field of brain health and aging shared some ways on how to achieve healthy brain aging.

1. Engage in activities that promote mental stimulation

The simplest activity you can do to stimulate the brain is reading. A study has proved that reading a novel pushes your brain to process the events and emotions in the story. 

If there is gymnastics that makes you flexible and agile through physical exercises, there is also mental gymnastics that stretches your brain by solving puzzles or figuring out patterns. 

Painting, drawing, journaling, and doing DIY crafts also promotes mental stimulation.

2. Perform a lifestyle check 

The lockdown caused by the pandemic has changed the way we live. Most of us indulged in spending hours on the couch binge-watching and we also became dependent on food delivery services. Work from home setup made it more convenient to stay up late because we need not worry about traffic. Food delivery services make cooking home meals inconvenient and ordering mostly fast food the best but unhealthy option. 

Improve your diet by eating food that boosts memory such as fish rich in omega-3, nuts, berries, green leafy vegetables, eggs, and dark chocolate. 

Take nutritional supplements, immunity support food supplements, and healthy aging products.

Engage in physical activities such as jogging, cardio exercises, jumping rope, yoga, dancing, and zumba. Exercise helps lower blood pressure, improves cholesterol levels, regulates blood sugar balance and reduces mental stress.

3. Check your emotions

Anxiety, depression, and mental exhaustion may cause sleep deprivation. First, you have to admit that it's okay to be not okay. Then assess what causes your anxiety or depression and then work on how to address the problem. Talk to someone you trust and cares for you. If necessary, seek professional help.

4. Be socially active 

Our current situation prohibits us from meeting up with family and friends face to face but it doesn't mean you will be out of touch with the people you love.  Take advantage of technology by video calling or chatting. Use zoom to catch up with friends. You can also play online games together.
