Home Stories: A look into how people live at the IKEA How We Live Exhibit

Creating a better home makes spending time with the people will love more meaningful. Having functional and yet aesthetic home furnishings provides living spaces conducive for bonding with the family. Last March 24, IKEA launched the "This Is How We Live" photo exhibit showcasing the lives of Filipino families.

For decades, IKEA has been visiting different homes from all over the world and thus inspired the creation of the book Us & Our Planet. The book is divided into six thematic chapters: Time, Space, Food, Play, Rest, and Togetherness. You'll get inspiration from the stories of the people on how they embraced sustainable living.  

The limited-edition "Us & Our Planet" book is not for sale but you can get a chance to take home a copy by joining the IKEA This is How We Live Exhibit - Instagram Contest. All you have to do is visit the IKEA This Is How We Live Exhibit located at IKEA Pasay ground level from March 24 to April 3, 2022 and take a photo of yourself. Upload it on your instagram feed and tag #IKEAPhilippines and @ikeaphilippines. There will be 10 winners to be announced on April 5, 2022.

To know more about the This is How We Live exhibit, click HERE
