UST Salinggawi Dance Troupe: A Halftime Cheerdance Perfect Execution

Are you one of the thousand Thomasians who witnessed the flawless half time cheerdance presentation of the UST Salinggawi Dance Troupe last October 25, 2015?! We're so lucky to be part of the huge crowd, right?!

Can you spot me in the crowd?

Sino ba naman ang hindi mapapa- GoUSTe sa husay ng ating mga kapwa Tomasino?! At syempre pa, Congratulations din sa UST Growling Tigers for winning the game against UP. I love that Thomasian alumni congratulate each other after the game kahit di naman tayo magkakakilala. Tunay nga na "Once A Thomasian, Always A Thomasian".

For those who were not able to watch last Sunday's cheerdance, I'm sharing the video. 



image courtesy of
