Minoxidil Regroe Celebrates Alopecia Awareness Month

Thursday, September 21

Minoxidil Regroe hosted a Blue Party in celebration of the annual Alopecia Awareness Month and I was invited to attend. The event is meant to heighten the awareness of people about alopecia and to support those who are suffering from this condition. I am very interested because recently my hair fall is very alarming. I noticed that a lot of hair are left in my hairbrush.

I am Roselle and I am with the fight against Alopecia.

I, together with my co-bloggers, voluntarily cut our hair as a symbolic gesture of showing support to people with alopecia. Also during the event, an alopecia advocate and survivor shared her journey about her experience in having this autoimmune condition and how she surpassed her condition despite the stigma attached to it. 

“Alopecia should not be ignored as it affects not only one’s outer appearance but also one’s inner being. People do not understand that it is not as simple as shedding of hair to one’s scalp or body but an autoimmune condition that resulted to hair loss,” said Au De Leon. 

What is Alopecia?

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease, causing the body’s immune system to attack the hair follicles, resulting in partial or complete hair loss on the scalp and other parts of the body. The most common types of alopecia areata are alopecia areata patchy or coin-like patches on the scalp or other areas of the body, alopecia totalis or total hair loss on the scalp, and alopecia universalis or complete loss of hair on the scalp, face and body.

The National Alopecia AreataFoundation website presented that 147 million people worldwide are affected by alopecia areata with a lifetime risk of 2.1 percent.  

FACT: Alopecia areata is a lifetime condition. It cannot be cured but it is treatable.

Who are prone to hair loss?

  • people who have a family history of alopecia
  • people who have autoimmune disease that affects hair growth
  • people who have atopic allergy
  • people who are suffering from extensive hair loss
  • people who frequently apply chemicals such as hair color and straightening solution
  • people who are under extreme stress

What the doctor says

Dr. Vinson B. Pineda, a renowned Filipino dermatologist, who brought Minoxidil Regroe in the Philippines shed light about alopecia and how Minoxidil Regroe can help people with alopecia in managing their condition. According to Dr. Pineda, Minoxidil Regroe is the first treatment for hair loss and other cases of alopecia that has done wonders for both men and women in addressing their hair loss concerns. 

“Minoxidil Regroe is scientifically proven safe and effective to grow hair,” explained Dr. Pineda. “Consistent use of Minoxidil Regroe allows hair to grow back longer, regaining their lost confidence and self-esteem,” added Dr. Pineda.

Minoxidil Regroe's Advocacy

As part of Minoxidil Regroe’s efforts to educate the public about hair loss, the brand has continuously provided and conducted free hair and scalp consultation to its consumers with the support of its trade partners nationwide. This is Minoxidil Regroe’s way of raising awareness about the importance of attaining healthy hair and preventing cases of progressive hair loss that diminish one’s confidence and self-esteem.

For more information regarding Minoxidil Regroe, visit www.regroe.com.ph and  follow their facebook page at www.facebook.com/minoxidilregroe
