Sun Life Foundation Awards Brighter World Builder Challenge Winners

Sun Life Foundation partnered with The Spark Project last January 2018 to crowd source financial literacy projects. The challenge was open to all mission-driven groups, social enterprises, and non-profit organizations who are creating positive change in the communities. There were 49 applications submitted and was shortlisted to 20 entries who underwent a Social Impact Boot Camp facilitated by The Spark Project. Out of the 20 who prepared their final pitch, the panel of judges chose 10 winners.

The 10 participants who were awarded last July 12, 2018 held at F1 Hotel in BGC are:

Bin Stalk

A program designed by Domyson Dulay Abuan for the community of Malaban that combines learnings on financial literacy and waste management

Budget Squad Manila 

A social enterprise focused on teaching good money management skills and financial literacy through creatively designed personal finance tools

EmpoWomen PH 

A non-profit organization that aims to help displaced women and families in Marawi City through sustainable sources of income

FLOW Inc. 

Stands for Financial and Life Opportunities for Women and focuses on giving practical education in finance for marginalized and average social class women

Kids Who Save (KHuSA) 

Game-based learning designed to simplify the concept of financial literacy for young kids

Young Savers: Experiential Learning to Financial Literacy At the Mano Amiga Academy

Children from the lower end of the socio economic ladder are taught the value of financial responsibility through project-based learning

Change for a Life

A campaign created to help lower income families manage their finances to fit their expenses and save money

Children of Sugar Cane Farmers in Bacolod 

A program designed to teach children of sugar cane farmers about the opportunities open to them to uplift their family’s lives

COlNscious JUAN 

A savings app created to promote the importance of being conscious of one’s spending habits

Pitaka ko’ A Learning & Savings Journal for Kids 

An interactive and creative learning and savings journal for kids ages eight to 15 designed by Roxanne Navarro. 

A grant of P100,000 was given to each winner for the implementation of their projects. In addition, The Spark Project will also provide a crowd sourcing support.
